I can stand fanboys!!!!
CRank: 5Score: 5890

Been off this site for about 5 years.. come back and its the same ol' bullshit with you dudes..

You dudes don't even read the shit you type.. you just say shit to get it out there. Same fucking cats with multiple accounts all giving the same reasons why you think one is better.. nd very childish at that. I got news for you.. you all been had by these bullshit systems that we were in no need of.

This whole shit is pure flip flop.. look at the argument...

3956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still saddens me how everybody wanted this man to disappear because he loves to drink, juggle t!ts and look at scantily clad women? I knew commercial gamers was gay. Regardless of how DOA turned out this gay maintained a winning formula for his flagship games. I brough this game and im deeply disappointed at this bull compared to NGB. I mean damn no vigorian Flail? come the fuck on.

4564d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Being that You Got one bubble.. Can't Respond now can you lol!!! By The Way i can't stand CODMW3

4567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't Bitch now... You guys all wanted Itagaki to away did'nt you? after 2 this game ran its course and everything the reviewer is saying i believe wholeheartedly. I Am be disappointed to no end that there is no decapitations and Unique weapons. That makes this a non-purchase no-brainer.

4570d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

9.75 is pretty high... Gotta play it myself. Im not trusting shit.

4582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These Comments are so sad. going on 5 years i been on this site and nobody grew the Phuck up yet? this must be never never land.

GT5 got picked apart because its 7 years damn near later and it was'nt worth the wait.
Forza 3 show a dramatic improvement over the bland Forza 2. show it earned its praise.

Forza 4 improves on everything Forza 3. I won't compare GT5 to this the same way i did'nt compare GT5 to F3. Whats amazing is i bet my righ...

4721d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Uncharted is official plain and simple.. Phuck all that Other Fanboy shit from both sides. Get a Life Ladies. I just finished Gears 3 and im fiendin' for the Next uncharted.

4750d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh...So You Wanna Know Why PS3 Exclusives Sell Less?

Cause the PS3 owners on this site spend more time on here defending sh!t they don't by rather than spedning money on a great game and enjoying it.

4750d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

6 years later and N!ggas still argueing over exclusives? Lame sh!t coming from a bunch of so called gamers.. No wonder companies sell bullsh!t to us smh!! Anywho as a 360 owner who plays both.. I don't own a PS3 but i play my brother joint just for Uncharted and imfamous.

If im gonna take 2 Let me Get that Drake uncharted and Imfamous joint. Those are 2 banging ass Exclusives i would'nt having so i won't have to switch machines lol!!

4788d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My 5 reasons.

1) As a best selling title thats want to sell even more.. Online will be even easier and cheaper for the new buyers.

2)The story mode will be good until you realeaze like all other COD's you hit that certian point where you get tired of reading war quotes after being killed by enemies you don't see.

3)Every year there is a COD. I mean seriously let people get tired of the shit.

4)Whichever perk k...

4791d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did you know.. the Flamebait would'nt affect you if you just copped both games right? 6 years later and N!ggas is still arguing with the same motherphuckers about which is better. SMH!!! This site is a beacon for Short Fat non pussi getting motherphuckers who use their hands for typing fanboy rants rather than playing good games and Squeezing fat @sses and T!ts. you dudes are pathetic.. while You F@gs argue other which one is better.. the real gamers will be sitting in the crib playing bo...

4814d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't care about the framerate. I just want Battlefield to be in hi-res. I hate lo-res games with framedrop.. *cough ubisoft cough*. Cod peforms nice in hi res... Battlefield should have the same thing cause it looks great.

4843d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same sh!t different year... gone are the day i get hyped for any cod by I.W. its gonna be ever ore broken with those same deathspots you get shot from without knowing where it came from...Then reading the same dumb quotes over and over.......

4857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Joke is'nt all that funny nor important. What's sad is You Broke @ss clowns is more hyped about the in-game joke rather than the ingame action SMH!!! while 360 owners don't care about the joke and down play it its equally sad how PS3 owners keep trying to drive home the joke and add on to it with even more cornier lines and Thats sad. In fact whats going to be even more funnier is 95% of the PS3 owners on this site won't even purchase a great game like this when it dropped but...

4912d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

phuck all this extra sh!t.. point is how many of You Fanboys for Sony actually brought a copy of the game you sacrifice your kid's right arm for to defend? I mean seriously Sony games never sell well for so much people to have brought a PS3. 6 years later N!ggas still going H.A.M. to defend a simple @ss Machine. The "Trans-Humanist Agenda" is working full time.

4926d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

6 years later this is the best piece of journalism you can find? Phuck outta here. Who does'nt know this? Nintendo is killing them both so mention that. With 3DS being sold at $250 a wop.. thats killing the game altogether. Phuck Japan as a whole bussiness-wise but my heart goes out to the victims of the Tsunami. They are still hung up on the fact of things that happen years ago that they caused. I just want Virtua Fighter 5 FS. They can keep all that other bullsh!t cause this generation ...

4929d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

D1ckhead N4g Niggaz still argue about which games looks better? Grow the fuck up and just buy a game for once. Broke @ss Niggas always comparing sh!t but don't own none of the games they going to war for.

4942d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You Niggaz Still argue about which system is better? I wish all you Fanboy Niggas go somewhere and die.

4945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forza 3 gives GT5 a run for its money still.. Why the fuck to people respect freelance writing again?

4965d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh Man ain't this a B!tch.......Its funny how Xbox got critized for having so many FPS but now that Soy has made their fair share its ok again.... Give me a break. As plain as black ops may be. Killzone will not upend a game that millions are playing. It may be good in its own right but this is annual with the COD series. Matter of fact CODMW2 is still doing numbers in the millions online.

4968d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment